
Students from three courses collaborate on the projects: CS4760, CS5760 and HU4628. The CS4760 course emphasizes design and implementation of a user interface (UI). CS5760 emphasizes evaluations of UI and usability testing. HU4628 emphasizes writing instructions, help documentation and usability testing of the documentation.   Because graduate students in CS5760 evaluate the undergraduate UI designs and humanities students in the HU47628 assist in app design and help documentation, students in all courses must adhere to the schedule and communicate regularly to assure an effective collaboration.

Due Dates

Students in all courses collaborate in several assignments. This collaboration means that the schedule must be adhere to and deadlines met.

Assignments are due at 5 pm on the date listed in the schedule.


HU4628 and CS4760 groups and CS5760 graduate students will be assigned to each other by the end of the first week of the semester. At that time, HU4628 students and CS4760 students form a single group working on the Android application. Students from both classes should encourage participation in the design of the app and assure that there is good communication between the students in the two classes.

The role of the CS5760 graduate students are as consultants to the CS4760 and HU4628 groups. Graduate students are to evaluate and test designs, and consequently they should make design suggestions, but the graduate students are not to managers of the projects.

Emailing Collaborators

When the groups and students are assigned to each, they should send email to each other within 24 hours. The emails should introduce yourself, request additional information from and schedule meetings.

The groups and graduate students should respond immediately to the emails. If there is lack of email response then groups or graduate students should email their counterpoint and me, so that I’m alerted of the lack of response.

I request that the email addresses are posted on the groups’ and gradurate students’ websites; the addresses do not have to be hard links. The undergraduate groups should make an email list. Groups can make email list at:

When the group sends an email to the graduate student or to HU4628 group, the email subject line should begin with

cs4760 <group name> <subject>

where <group name> is the name of your group and <subject> is the standard subject line. The subject line is to assure that students recognize the email as a course correspondence.

When graduate students send an email to undergraduate groups, the email subject line should be:

cs4760 <grad name> <subject>

where <grad name> is the graduate student name and <subject> is the standard subject line. The subject line is to assure that groups recognize the email as a course correspondence.

Some assignments instruct you to send me an email. When you send the email use the subject line specified in the assignment, so I will be assured to recognize your email as a course correspondence.      

Specific Assignments