Project Assignment 1 – Group and Application Selection

This assignment has two parts. Part A consists of making the group and app preference list. After I have received the group memberships, I will assign the app and have directory spaces made for you. Part B consists of selecting a group name and making the email list for your group.

Part A – Team Selection

The project is a semester long team project: designing and implementing an web app.  The team size should be about 4 or 5 students in CS4760 and 2 to 3 students in HU4628.

While choosing teams consider schedules, jobs, where prospective members live and work, and anything else that might impact how well the team will function.

I also advise that one of your team members knows about databases or is interested in learning about databases. Each project will make a database and provide access to the database. It is not necessary for your database expert to have taken the database course, but the database expert will need to have basic understanding of tables, their use and familiar with SQL queries.

Also, useful for your team would be a team members that are already familiar with Web backend (scripting) and frontend (html, css and javascript) programming. All members do not need to have experience with web or database programming, you will learn web development, but a member with prior experience will be able to help with the initial app code design and getting programming started. If you have any experience with web or database programming, please try to find a group that does not have experienced members.

You should schedule meetings well in advance to ensure participation of all team members. During your meetings, take notes on your design decisions and how you reached your decision, so that you can use the notes in preparing your reports. Record your notes in the post meeting form ( and uploa’d them to your project directory and website.

Application Selection

Your team should list application choices from the list in the link below:

Potential Application List

Choose 3 applications and rank them. List the applications in order such that your first choice is first on the list, second choice is second on the list, and third choice is last on the list.

GitHub account

Email Me

Your team should send me (rpastel at, Robert Johnson (rrjohnso at and Wei, my assistant, (wzhang5 at an email by 5 pm on the due date of Project Assignment 1 Part A. The subject line of the email should be

cs4760-hu4628 Part A Project Assignment 1

The email should include:

  • List of members’ proper names (including HU4628 students)
  • Members course number (CS4760 or HU4628)
  • Separate list of members’ usernames (including HU4628 students)
  • Application preference list
  • Identify the any members with database or have programming experience

Please send the email promptly because I need time to have your group directories setup.

I will use the order that I receive the emails to resolve conflicts between groups’ app preferences, meaning for example if two groups choose the same app as their first choice then I will assign the app to the group that emailed me first. I will also use this order to resolve scheduling conflicts. Emailing your group’s selection first will be a distinct advantage throughout the semester.

Part B – Group Name and Email List

After I have received all the emails from Part A, I will assign the apps to teams. Then your team should choose a name. The name should make all of you proud, but it should not be too long. If your group name is inappropriate I will change it.

Each team should have two leaders, one project technical lead, a CS4760 team member, and one product owner, a HU4628 team member. The technical lead will take the lead on the implementation concerns; the product owner will take the lead on the clients and users’ requirement concerns. Two leaders will collaborate to help coordinate the team and should share the responsibilities with all other team members.

Your group should also make an email list for your group. See

Make this email list immediately so that the graduate student can contact you.


Your team will store code in a GitHub repository:

Each team member (including HU4628 students) should have a GitHub account. So if you do not already have an GitHub account, you should make an account now. I will need your GitHub account name to add you to the team

Email Me

Your team should send me (rpastel at, Robert Johnson (rrjohnso at and Wei, my assistant, (wzhang5 at an email by 5 pm on the due date of Project Assignment 1 Part B. The subject line of the email should be:

cs4760-hu4628 Part B Project Assignment 1

The email should include your team name and table of members. The table of members (including HU4628 students) should be in an attached Excel or CSV file. The heading of the table should have columns:

  • Member proper name
  • Member MTU email address
  • Member GitHub user name
  • Members course number (CS4760 or HU4628)
  • Identify the any members with database, web development (backend or frontend) experience

The bullet list is correct. I am asking you to repeat some information that you gave me in the prior email so that I can check my records.

Email should also identify initial team leaders. This can be changed during the semester.

Please send the email promptly so that the graduate student can contact your group early for the next assignment.

CS4760 & HU4628 Students Collaborating

Throughout the semester, students in CS4760 and HU4628 will work together developing the web application and make up a single team. Be sure to keep the students both courses involved in the design of the app and informed on its progress.