Project Assignment 8 – Final Design Presentation

You are required to attend the presentations and to provide feedback to each group.

This presentation is not really the final design because during development your design will probably change. Also this presentation is more than a design presentation; the presentation demonstrates what you have implemented and plan to implement. This presentation is also your last chance before the usability testing to get feedback from the class. Also the presentation demonstrates to the graduate students how much you have implemented, so that the grad student can plan for the usability testing.

Help Documents

HU team members should give the CS student a near final version of the help documents by the end of the ninth week of the semester (a week before the final design presentation).  Both CS and HU team members should assure that most of the help is implemented in the app.

Presentation Format

Your group will make a presentation to the class presenting your final design and the components that you have implemented. You will have about 15 minutes for the presentations, and 5 minutes for questions and comments form the class and me.

The presentation should include:

  1. Brief description of the system and users
  2. Demonstration of your UI using the completed implementation and/or high fidelity prototypes.
  3. Final content and help implementation
  4. Identification of potential usability concerns
  5. Identification of what components of the UI have finished and plan to finish in the next week

Prepare slides for your final design presentation and post them on the group website. Prepare slides using a screen shot of the simulator for all views you have finished and paper design of views you have not finished but will implement. Post the slides on the website, but bring your own laptop with the slides already downloaded for presenting. Your final design presentation slides should be posted to your website the day before your presentation.