Evaluation Assignment 6 – Usability Test Report

I do not expect a lengthy formal test report. I am more interested in seeing the results from the analysis, conclusions and suggestions for improving the design.

An example outline for the test report:

  1. Cover page: name the group and the usability expert (graduate student)
  2. Introduction: Description of UI, test goals and brief description of tests (1 page)
  3. Test Plans: the original test plans you created for testing (Several pages per scenario)
  4. Results: These should be plots and charts with explanations (what it takes, ~ 4 pages)
  5. Conclusions: Usability problems and suggestions for improving the UI (1 page)
  6. Appendix A: Undergraduate group member attendance at testing
  7. Appendix B: Attached Bug Reports

The test report should be complete before the end of the fourteenth week of the semester, and posted on your website. You should give the undergraduate group links to your test plan and summary. Your test report should have links to the undergraduate groups and their final design documents. Again evaluation of your test reports will consider effective communication. An example of a professional usability test report can be found in the resources.

The test report should be complete before the end of the fourteenth week of the semester, and posted on your website. You should give the undergraduate group the links to your test plan and report. Your test report should have links to the undergraduate groups and their final design documents. You should also meet with the undergraduate group to discuss the results of the usability tests.

Email Me

You will have two emails to send me (rpastel at mtu.edu) and Wei, my assistant (wzhang5 at mtu.edu). The first email should be immediately after you have finished your testing giving me a list of all participants’ attendance indicating if the “showed” or “did no show” for the testing. You may mark, scan, and e-mail your usability test schedule to indicate who attended or not. The subject line should be

cs5760 Participation List

Send me only one participant list after you have completed all your tests. I need this list in order to give the participants credit for participating.

When you have finished and posted your usability test results email me again that you have done so. The subject line of the email should be

cs5760 – Evaluation Assignment 6

You email should NOT have the document attached. Rather, I will read it on your website.