Project Assignment 6 – App Description 2

In this assignment, you will add more details to your first App Design Summary using information that you have learned from the second interview with your scientist.

Reading List

To prepare for this assignment, you should review

Assignment Description

App Description Document

Immediately after meeting with your scientist, you should revise your App Desrcription Document using your notes from this interview. Keep a copy of your first App Design Summary because I would like to review the progression of your design. The second App Design Summary follows the same format as the first App Design Summary but with more details

  • App Idea – You should have a clearer vision of the app so the description of the app idea can be more precise.
  • Users – You should have identified more users types and learn more specifics about the users.
  • Major Workflows – From your second interview with the scientist, you should have learned the details of the app usage and can write a workflow. A workflow is a step by step description of the user interacting with the app. This can be a numbered list. Most apps have more than one workflow, for example each user type may have a workflow, or there are alternative workflows, or workflows when the things go wrong. So you should have more than one workflow.
  • Views – Now that you have a clearer vision of the app, you can list major views (pages) that your app will have. You can also list the widgets of the views.
  • Data – Your list of data types can be more compete and more specific.
  • Anticipated Challenges – Now that you have a clearer vision of the app you identify challenges. These challenges include both usability and implementation challenges. Usability challenges are generally related to errors that user may make.

If there is time, I may ask you to read your App Description to the class and discuss your description. You should use these discussions to delineate what aspect of the app description is missing.

Email the App Description

After you have reviewed the App Description with me and the class, and your team has revised the App Description, email your second App Description to your scientist. In the email, ask your scientist to review the summary and make any revision. The App Description can be attachment or inline in the email, but make it distinct from the body of the email so that it is apparent that that it is a separate document.

Carbon copy your team and me on the email to your scientist.

Submit on Canvas and Due Date

Submit on canvas your initial app summary and burn down chart spreadsheet before you present. I will give feedback during your team presentation.

Grading Rubric

The App Description will be evaluated by timeliness and completeness. In particular I will looking for:

  • Clear, concise and correct app idea
  • Identification of specific user types
  • Detailed workflow that clearly illustrates the different uses of the app
  • Identification of major views and widgets
  • Identification of all data types that app will collect and/or present
  • Thoughtful list of implementation and usability challenges

Prepare for the Next Assignment

In your following assignments your will make your team website and write your design documents. To prepare for these assignments, you should read.