There are three types of assignments for HU4628: project, individual, and surveys.
- The project assignments are team design and evaluation assignments. They are to be performed collaboratively by your cross-functional team. Individual projects assignments delineate which portion of the assignment the CS students or HU students are responsible for.
- This year, most HU4628 students will work with a team from CS4760 to design, text, evaluate, and prototype an app for a citizen scientist. This team assignment has about a dozen milestone assignments, most to be developed by all members of the team.
- One or two teams will work cross-functionally within the HU4628 class on a heuristic evaluation project, also with a citizen scientist client.
- Each person in HU4628 will also revise a flawed instruction set, test it, update it , and report the results of the process. This is an individual assignment that is submitted for University assessment.
- End of semester surveys are required by all students.
Assignment Category Pages
Read the assignment category pages for more detail:
- Team Project Assignments
- Project Evaluation and Usability Assignments (part of Team Project)
- Individual project assignment
- Surveys