Topic Assignment 4 – Topic Presentation

For this assignment, you will present record your presentation while presenting to your development team.

Reading List

There are no readings for this assignment.

Assignment Description

Topic Presentation

Your presentation should be based on technical papers published in refereed journals, conferences, workshops, and symposiums, and books. The presentation should include a literature review and some references should be from the last 10 years. You may introduce your original ideas near the end of the presentation, but they are not to make up your entire presentation.

Presenting Tip

Some tips for presenting:

  • Present the topics of the papers systematically and summarize your points.
  • Cover all important concepts and ideas and ignore unimportant details.
  • Use examples and illustrations.
  • See the tip on slides in the previous evaluation assignment.
  • Speak at a moderate pace. Speaking too fast, the audience cannot keep up. Speaking to slow, the audience becomes impatient.
  • If you wish to present your original ideas, do it near the end of the presentation.
  • Rehearse, so that you can refine your slides and make sure that you say all your points, but do not rehearse too much so that your presentation is fresh.

Scheduling and Recording Presentation

Schedule Presentation

You will present to your development team. Schedule the appropriate time with your team during the first and second week after Spring Break. I send an email with my schedule for meeting with the each team during this same time. You may use the regular class hour to present to your team, but check that it is not conflicting with my meeting with the team.

After you have scheduled your presentation with your team, send the team an email or calendar invite with the Zoom link.

While Recording Your Presentation

The Zoom conferencing software is the most convenient way to record your presentation. It will also record both your slides by screen sharing and the video of you speaking.

You should practice your presentation and assure that your mic and video recording is working and the background is appropriate for the presentation. Experiment with Zoom settings.

Allow your development team to participate in the presentation. Let them ask questions during and after the your presentation. Record the questions and your answers.

You can record the video to the cloud, but after the recording is processed download the video so you can post it on your website.

Zoom References

As a student at Michigan Tech, you have an account with Zoom. Meeting only needs for the “host” to start the recording and does not require any other attendees.

You can log into Zoom using a google account. Your Michigan Tech account is a google account. An advantage to using Zoom is you can share your screen and the webcam will continue recording your image. Zoom has good support. Webinars at:

and help documents at:

In addition, Michigan Tech has useful articles at:

Instructions for Recording Zoom Meetings

When you schedule your meeting at:

At the bottom of the form, be sure to check “Record the meeting automatically”. Also select the option “In the cloud”. Later, you will be able to download the mp4 file.

At the beginning of your presentation, check that the recording is running. Also check that the webcam is properly orientated.

End the recording by clicking the “red button” in the toolbar.

After finishing the presentation, Log in to Zoom and go to the recording panel:

In the “Cloud Recordings” tab, you will eventually see the recording listed in the table. In the entry for the recording, click on the “Share” button and check that only recording is “Publicly” is selected. Also copy the meeting recording link. You will post this link on your website and in your canvas submission.

In the entry for the recording, click on the title of the recording and you will go to the page for the recording. Hover your mouse on “Shared screen with speaker view” but do not click it. Notice the download icon, and click on it. This will download the mp4 file to your machine. It will take a while to download.

After the download has completed, view the recording. I use the VLC Media Player:

After checking the recording, FTP or SCP your recording to your directory on adjacent to your www directory.

I want you to upload the recording of the presentation to your directory because Zoom will automatically delete the recordings. But until it has I’d like to use the Zoom cloud link because it more convenient for me.

Link the Recording to Your Website

First procure the mp4 file. If you used Zoom to record your presentation to the cloud. Login into Zoom  then on the left select “Recordings”. From this page you should see your recording. Download the mp4 file to your local computer. You probably want to change the name of the file, for example:


Second upload the mp4 file to your www directory. I assume that you know how to do this using a ftp/scp app.

Third link the mp4 file in your index.html file. I you probably want to do something like this:

<a href="topic-presentation.mp4"> Topic Presentation Recording </a> 

Submit on Canvas

After you have uploaded your video to your www directory and linked the recording, submit in Canvas the link to your video recording.

Grading Rubric/Evaluation

Your presentation will be evaluated on:

  • Preparedness and timeliness
  • Coverage of topic, breath and depth
  • Correctness
  • Fluency
  • Clarity
  • Interaction with audience, including answering questions
  • Time management, the body of the presentation should be 30 minutes and additional 10 minutes for questions.

Prepare for the Next Assignment

This is the last topic assignment.