Project Assignment 10 – Cognitive Walkthrough Feedback

For this assignment, you will give feedback on the design of other projects.

Reading List

There is no readings for this assignments.

Assignment Description

In the same email that announces the cognitive walkthrough order, your team will be assigned teams to give feedback on their app design.

After the team has finished their presentation, I will call on your team to give feedback. The feedback can be:

  • a concern about usability of the app
  • a design idea for the app
  • addressing usability concern that the team has for their app
  • an implementation technique for the app

Submit on Canvas and Due Date

You do not need to submit anything on canvas. I will hear your feedback during the Cognitive Walkthrough.

Grading Rubric

I will evaluate your feedback to the other team and their app for:

  • Appropriateness
  • Significance
  • Sincerity
  • Quantity

Note that appropriate and significant feedback is more important than quantity.

Prepare for Next Assignment

In your next assignments, you will collect feedback from your scientist/client, UX consultants/graduate students, and your instructor/me. Prepare for the assignment by reading: