Project Assignment 13 – Initial GitHub Commit

For this assignment you’ll team will make it initial commit to the GitHub repository. Implicit in this assignment is that all team member have a development environment and access to the GitHub repository.

Reading List

Now that you and your team is ready to implement your app, you should read:

Assignment Description

General Implementation Requirements

  1. Your app name and packages for your app project should be all lower case. Many times using mixed case app name and packages causes deployment to the Tomcat server to fail, even those the app works while developing your local machine.
  2. I strongly recommend to have regular “Workjams” during development. Successful teams have found workjams very effective.
  3. Test the implementation with the different browsers and if appropriate mobile browsers early and frequently.
  4. The implementation should be complete up to any requirements specified during the design review. If the implementation cannot be completed, you should document missing components and why they cannot be finished.
  5. Email me if your implementation has any obstacles inhibiting completeness.

Initial GitHub Commit

Your team should make the initial commit into your GitHub repository after you have had your Design Review with instructor. Your team should rewrite the “readme” in GitHub describing the app and listing the team members.

Submit on Canvas and Due Date

I monitor the repositories and get emails after each commit, but still you should submit on Canvas the URL to your github repository. The initial commit the end of the week of the design review.

Grading Rubric

This assignment is evaluated on completeness and promptness. In particular, I will check that your readme file list team members.

Prepare for Next Assignment

In your next assignment is the implement and committing your app’s domain classes. To prepare, read: