In this assignment you will prepare for your second scientist interview by confirming your meeting and writing the pre-interview notes. This assignment is nearly identical with the prior “Project Assignment 3 – Scientist Pre-Interview Notes 1”.
Reading List
You should have read the document before, but each team member should review:
- Interviewing Lecture
- Your scientist’s app idea paragraph
- Your App Description Document from the first interview
Assignment Description
Contact Your Scientist
Email your scientist reminding the scientist of date, time and media of the meeting. Do forget to give the time for the interview in both the scientist’s time zone and your time zone.
If meeting by Zoom then create the Zoom meeting and include the link to the Zoom meeting in the email. If meeting by phone then confirm the phone number in the email. If meeting in-person then confirm the location in the email.
Prepare Pre-interview Notes
Your second interview with your scientist will again be a semi-structured interview.
Team Interview Roles
Consider having team members assume different roles in the interview from the first interview, so each team member can have more experience. Again one member to host the meeting, perhaps your team’s product owner. In addition, the team should have at least one but better two members taking notes.
Interview Questions
The questions for the second interview with your scientists should be more specific then the questions for your first interview.
Write Pre-interview Document
Now that you have a list of questions, you can write the Pre-interview Notes. It should contain the following information in approximately in this order:
- Scientist/Client Names
- Meeting Date and Time
- Meeting location or media
- List of team members and interview roles
- List of questions in expected order to be asked
Submit and Due Date
The Pre-interview Document should submitted on canvas by the end class.
Grading Rubric
The pre-interview notes will be evaluated for timeliness and completeness. In particular, does the document have:
- Scientist name
- Meeting date, time and media
- Identification of team members’ interview roles
- Most important: appropriate interview questions
Conducting the Interview
When you conduct your interview, first thank your scientist for meeting and ask if they are ready for the interview. Then you should introduce your team members.
During the meeting, speakers should have their videos. If the media for your interview does not have video, then do not forget to state your name, so that your scientist recognizes a change in speaker.
When you conclude the interview:
- Summarize the major findings of the interview.
- Ask your scientists if they have any questions or comments that they like to make.
- Tell your scientists that you will email them a summary of the meeting describing your understanding of the app.
- Thank your scientists for the interview.
Prepare for the Next Assignment
For your next assignment, you write an App Description Document that you will email your scientist. Read: