Evaluation Assignment 5 – Preliminary Usability Test Results Presentation

During the final week of the semester, you will present preliminary results from your usability tests. The UX experts that conducted usability tests on the same app will present together, i.e standing up together, but each expert speaks about there testing process and results from their tests separately. Only the first speaker will need describe the app. The following speaker only needs to add to the app description, if first speaker did not describe an app component that you tested. I will email you the order of presenters. 

The combined presentation should only be 20 minutes with time for questions. So your part of the presentation will be about 5 to 7 minutes.

An example outline for your presentation:

  1. Introduce yourself as the user experience experts conducting the usability test
  2. Name the app and the purpose of the app – given only by first presenter
  3. Concisely describe the test process and type of data collect during the testing
  4. Summarize the usability test results – this should be in only in general terms
  5. Summary of the results from common usability questions
  6. Summary of bugs, include number and servitiy of bugs
  7. Recommend changes for the app – only the most important changes
  8. State that there will be more details in your Usability Test Report, and will be posted on your website
  9. Introduce the next presenter