Project Assignment 10 – Final Review with Client

After the preliminary Usability Test Result presentations, your team should meet with your client (scientists) for a final review.

Email your scientist/client before the Usability Test Results presentation informing your scientist about the presentation and that you will need to meet the presentation to get their feedback. You should suggest meeting times. Allow the scientist two days to watch the video. I will email links to the video the night of the presentation. If you do not hear from your scientist/client in one business, email a reminder.

Meet with Client (Scientist)

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss changes that would be made to a new version of the app.

One member of your team should record meeting notes. The notes should be posted on your project website.

Submit on Canvas

After you have posted the notes from your final review with your client on your team website, submit on canvas the URL to your meeting notes.