Topic Assignment 3 – Presentation

Your presentation should be based on technical papers published in refereed journals, conferences, workshops, and symposiums, and books. You should prepare slides for your presentation and the last slide is a list of references. The presentation should include a literature review and some references should be from the last 10 years. You may introduce your original ideas near the end of the presentation, but they are not to make up your entire presentation.

Presenting Tip

Some tips for presenting:

  • Present the topics of the papers systematically and summarize your points.
  • Cover all important concepts and ideas and ignore unimportant details.
  • Use examples and illustrations.
  • Each slide should have a point, delineated by the slide title.
  • Slides should provide visible information, meaning they are not your presentation in text, rather they a visible supplement to your talk, such as pictures, diagrams or plots.
  • There should not be too many bullet lists and the bullets list should be short, around 3 to 5 bullets.
  • If you wish to present your original ideas, do it near the end of the presentation.
  • Do not have a final slide saying “thank you” or “questions?” they give little information. Better to end with your conclusions.
  • Any materials used form others source should be reference in the slide.
  • About 35 slides, but this is a personal choice that depends on your presentation style. Some people can effectively present many slides and other people can talk forever on one slide. When I presented physics topics I calculated 2 minutes per slide, they were dense slides with formulas and graphs. Now for HCI presentations, I calculate about 1 minute per slide.
  • Rehearse, so that you can refine your slides and make sure that you say all your points, but do not rehearse too much so that your presentation is fresh.

Submit on Canvas

Post your slides on to your website. Submit the URL to your slides on canvas. I will give you feedback after your presentation.


Your presentation will be judged on:

  • Preparedness, you should be ready to present within the first 2 minutes of class.
  • Coverage of topic, breath and depth
  • Correctness
  • Fluency
  • Clarity
  • Interaction with audience, including answering questions
  • Time management, the body of the presentation should be 30 minutes and additional 10 minutes for questions.

Modifications/Additions for Spring 2020

You should record your presentation and post it to your website. Please include a link to your presentation in Canvas. The due date for posting your presentation is Friday, April 24.

There are software or techniques for video recording on your personal machine. Noah de Longpre’ recommends Open Broadcaster Software (OBS):

It is opensource and has applications for all three operating systems. It also has excellent support:

Another alternative is Power Point. I learned from a colleague that Power Point has the “voice over slide” feature. He says that it is easy to edit because you can edit slide wise.  I have never used it.

Yet another alternative is to record your presentation using Zoom.

As a student at Michigan Tech, you have an account with Zoom. Meeting only needs for the “host” to start the recording and does not require any other attendees.

You can log into Zoom using a google account. Your Michigan Tech account is a google account. An advantage to using Zoom is you can share your screen and the webcam will continue recording your image. Zoom has good support. Webinars at:

and help documents at:

In addition, Michigan Tech has useful articles at:

There are no time limits for your presentations. I will give you feedback via Canvas. Please submit on Canvas the link to your presentations.

Instructions for Recording Zoom Meetings

When you schedule your meeting at:

At the bottom of the form, be sure to check “Record the meeting automatically”. Also select the option “In the cloud”. Later, you will be able to download the mp4 file.

At the beginning of your presentation, check that the recording is running. Also check that the webcam is properly orientated.

End the recording by clicking the “red button” in the toolbar.

After finishing the presentation, Log in to Zoom and go to the recording panel:

In the “Cloud Recordings” tab, you will eventually see the recording listed in the table. In the entry for the recording, click on the “Share” button and check that only recording is “Publicly” is selected. Also copy the meeting recording link. You will post this link on your website and in your canvas submission.

In the entry for the recording, click on the title of the recording and you will go to the page for the recording. Hover your mouse on “Shared screen with speaker view” but do not click it. Notice the download icon, and click on it. This will download the mp4 file to your machine. It will take a while to download.

After the download has completed, view the recording. I use the VLC Media Player:

After checking the recording, FTP or SCP your recording to your directory on adjacent to your www directory.

I want you to upload the recording of the presentation to your directory because Zoom will automatically delete the recordings. But until it has I’d like to use the Zoom cloud link because it more convenient for me.