Project Assignment 20 – Design Changes after Final Design Presentation

After your final design presentation your team will meet with your client for feedback on your design and make arrangements with your user experience expert for usability testing.

Reading List

There is no readings for this assignment.

Assignment Description

Review with Client/Scientist

Email your scientist/client before your presentation informing your scientist about the presentation and that you will need to meet after your presentation to get their feedback. You should suggest meeting times. Allow the scientist two days to watch the video. I will email links to the video the night of your presentation. If you do not hear from your scientist/client in one business, email a reminder.

Your team should meet with your scientist within a week of your final design presentation. The purpose of the meeting is for the scientist to give you feedback on your design. Your team should have screen shoots and drawings of your application and the list of data that the app will store for the scientist to review. Email the documents to the scientist before your meeting. You may need to review your design with your scientist if the scientist did not attend the design presentation, and you should discuss changes in the design you made after the presentation.

At least one member of your team should record notes during the meeting. The meeting notes should be posted on your website immediately after the meeting.

Meeting with UX Consultant/Graduate Students

After the final design presentation, you will meet with your UX consultants/graduate students administrating the usability test for your app. The UX consultants/graduate students will advise you about:

  • The components of your app that must be implemented for the testing
  • Additional output from your app required for analysis

Your team should try to comply with your UX consultants/graduate students requests. Your team will also assist your UX consultants/graduate students during the testing.

Design Change Document

After you have met with your client and user experience expert, your team should meet and decide if the proposed design changes are appropriate and/or derive your own additional design changes. The design changes you plan to implement should be organized and listed in a Design Change Document. For each design change you should give a reason or rationale for the design change, so you will know why you made the change. Like all documents that your team generates, the Design Change Document should be dated just below the title. Your team has generated several design change documents during the semester so they should be dated and numbered in the title of the document. 

Post the design change document on your website.

Submit on Canvas and Due Date

After you have posted your design changes on your website, submit on Canvas the URL to the design change document. The assignment is due a week after your Final Design Presentation.

Grading Rubric

This assignment is evaluated by promptness and completeness. In particular:

  • Are all the important design changes listed?
  • Are rationale given for each design change?
  • Are the design changes appropriate?

Prepare for Next Assignment

Your next assignment is to practice the usability test with your UX consultants/graduate students. Prepare by reading